Agreeing to and observing the Terms and Conditions are required in order to use electronic customs declaration services.
Online Application
Those who intend to use electronic customs declaration services can complete online all the application procedures for opening an account.
Supporting Documents:
For statutory representative(s) of applicant who has/have already had an
e-certificate, the following documents are required to be uploaded :
- If a third party is authorized to perform electronic customs declaration, a copy of a valid power of attorney or equivalent document shall be uploaded, and the original shall be supplemented afterwards.
For those who did not consent for the DSEDT to collect information on their behalves at the time
of application, copies of the following documents shall be uploaded:
- M/1 Business Tax - New Registration/Amendment Form;
- For legal persons, copy of business registration.
For statutory representative(s) of applicant who has/have not yet had an
e-certificate, following documents are required to be uploaded if physical
signing is chosen after completing the application form online for pre-application:
- If a third party is authorized to perform electronic customs declaration, a copy of a valid power of attorney or equivalent document shall be uploaded, and the original shall be supplemented afterwards.
- Copy(ies) of ID document(s) of the statutory representative(s) of company signing the application form (shall bear signature specimen(s));
For those who did not consent for the DSEDT to collect information on their behalves at the time
of application, copies of the following documents shall be uploaded:
- M/1 Business Tax - New Registration/Amendment Form;
- For legal persons, copy of business registration
Paper-based Application
Update of Information/Termination of Service Application
For updating information (such as adding service category(ies), deleting or adding person(s) empowered to sign external trade documents, altering address and others) or terminating electronic customs declaration services, simply log in to the account to select the relevant option(s) and submit the request(s).