Subsidy Scheme for Encouraging Enterprise Upgrading and Development

Service Overview

The implementation of the Subsidy Scheme for Encouraging Enterprise Upgrading and Development aims to encourage business owners to enhance their enterprises’ competitiveness, facilitate moderately diversified and sustainable economic development, and is particularly for achieving the objectives of industrialization, technological innovation, enterprise transformation, operation and production condition enhancement, and others.  Interest or rental subsidy is offered to eligible business owners who, by means of bank loan or financial leasing, carry out investment projects in the Macao SAR that benefit the achievement of the aim of this scheme, with a maximum subsidy period of 4 years.

The maximum annual subsidy rate, the maximum limit of total loan/rental amount eligible for subsidy each year, as well as the maximum loan/rental amount eligible for subsidy each year for each beneficiary of this subsidy scheme are subject to determination by Chief Executive’s Decision published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.

Loan Interest Subsidy:
According to Chief Executive’s Decision No. 39/2021, the maximum annual subsidy rate for loan interest subsidy is 4%, the maximum total loan amount eligible for subsidy each year is MOP600,000,000.00, and the maximum amount of loan eligible for subsidy each year for each beneficiary is MOP10,000,000.00.

Financial Lease Rental Subsidy:
According to Chief Executive’s Decision No. 39/2021, the maximum annual subsidy rate for financial lease rental subsidy is 4%, the maximum total financial lease rental amount eligible for subsidy each year is MOP200,000,000.00, and the maximum financial lease rental amount eligible for subsidy each year for each beneficiary is MOP10,000,000.00.

Service Target and Application Eligibility

Basically all sectors of economic activities (industries) may apply for the subsidy, except for enterprises engaging in financial services or carrying out economic activities under a public concession or sub-concession.

Business owners who invest in the Macao SAR for achieving the aim of this scheme and meet the criteria below are eligible to file an application:

  1. Natural persons or companies that have declared commencement of business in accordance with law;
  2. Not engaging in economic activities under a public concession or sub-concession;
  3. Non-financial enterprises;
  4. Not having any debt that is being collected via the tax enforcement process;
  5. Being under appropriate financial and operational status;
  6. Holding the licence or certificate of equivalent nature required by law to carry out the business activity (Written statement is required for those whose said licence or certificate was not available at the time of application due to the business activity was under preparation).

Service Outcome

Beneficiary enterprises will enjoy loan interest or financial lease rental subsidy for carrying out investment projects that help to enhance their competitiveness, facilitate moderately diversified and sustainable economic development with the objectives of achieving industrialization, technological innovation, enterprise transformation, operation and production condition enhancement, and so forth.


Executive department and unit: Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) – Industry and Commerce Support Division

(1) DSEDT – Industry and Commerce Support Division: 3/F, Luso International Bank Building, 1-3 Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, Macao;
(2) Macao Government Services Centre (CSRAEM): 52 Rua Nova da Areia Preta, Macao;
(3) Macao Government Services Centre in Islands (CSRAEM-I), 3/F, 225 Rua de Coimbra, Taipa.

Tel. n°: (853) 2888 2088

Fax n°: (853) 2875 5011



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