Service Overview
Contributing significantly to economic development and employment, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) plays an important role in the Macao economy. Fostering the development of SMEs has always been a long-term policy objective of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government. In May 2003, the SME Aid Scheme was launched in response to the then social and economic situations, providing interest-free financial assistance to relieve businesses affected by SARS during the time and to support SMEs in improving the conditions of, as well as enhancing the capacities of their operation.
As the economy of Macao grows rapidly, the SAR Government keeps optimising the SME Aid Scheme to continue supporting the development of local SMEs effectively and properly. Revisions to the Scheme were made in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2017, 2020 and 2024 to allow SMEs acquire corresponding development opportunities and support amid Macao’s fast economic growth.
Businesses can obtain interest-free financial assistance through the newly revised SME Aid Scheme to purchase equipment needed for operation; renovate, decorate and expand business premises; enter into commercial concession or franchising agreements; acquire right to exclusive use of technology and intellectual property rights; launch publicity and promotion campaigns; enhance operating capacity and competitiveness; use as working capital; or to address economic and financial difficulties owing to abnormal, unpredictable or force majeure events. The maximum assistance amount is MOP600,000.00 (six hundred thousand patacas), repayable over a maximum of 10 years. The SAR Government will also provide opportunities for second assistance to eligible enterprises that have already repaid the assistance in full.
Service Target and Application Eligibility
To participate in the Aid Scheme, enterprises must meet the following requirements:
- Having been registered for tax purposes at the Financial Services Bureau (DSF) for at least 2 years;
- The individual commercial entrepreneurs (individual owners) must be Macao residents; the collective person commercial entrepreneurs (corporate owners) must have over 50% of their capital contributed by Macao residents;
- Employing no more than 100 persons in Macao (employees must be subordinate to the enterprise according to Law No. 2/78/M on the Regulations imposed to Professional Tax, amended by the Approval of the Chief Executive No. 267/2003);
- Being under appropriate economic, financial or organisational status, and not a debtor of the Macao SAR;
- With regards application for second assistance, full repayment of the assistance granted under the SME Aid Scheme and the Youth Entrepreneurs Aid Scheme, as well as appropriate operating conditions and good repayment records are required.
Note: Owners or major shareholders of the enterprise are required to provide personal guarantee for the assistance.
Service Outcome
Businesses will receive interest-free financial assistance to improve the conditions of and enhance the capabilities of their operation.
Executive department and unit: Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) – Industry and Commerce Support Division
(1) Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) – Industry and Commerce Support Division: Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, n°s 1-3, Luso International Bank Building, 3/F, Macao;
(2) Macao SAR Service Centre (CSRAEM): Rua Nova da Areia Preta, n° 52, Macao;
(3) Islands Service Centre of Macao SAR (CSRAEM-I): Rua de Coimbra, n° 225, 3/F , Taipa.
Tel. n°: (853) 2888 2088
Fax n°: (853) 2875 5011
WhatsApp & WeChat : 6297 9762